Orius insidiosus - Minute Pirate Bug - Controls All Life Stages of Thrips
Controls all life stages of Thrips. Establishes best in pollen-rich crops. May diapause under short day lengths.
Thrips (All Life Stages), Spider Mites, Moth Eggs, Aphids, & more.
Scientific Name: Orius insidiosus
ORIUS are general predators known for their broad-spectrum appetite. Adults are black and white, measuring about 3mm long, have precision flying abilities, and are capable of targeting pests in all life stages. Females have a 4-week adult lifespan and can lay up to 45 eggs that are strategically placed near pest colonies. The eggs hatch into nymphs within 5-7 days, actively feeding as they grow and develop. This bug’s total lifespan is approximately 7 weeks, with 2 weeks spent as hungry nymphs and 4 weeks as predatory adults. ORIUS are most active in the presence of light. Under optimal conditions they will progress through their lifecycle in about one month. Under less favorable conditions, the development of any nymphs will slow down or pause, until conditions become favorable again. During winter or periods of low light, weekly releases of adults are recommended to maintain active predation.
1 insect per 10 sq. ft.
2,000-4,000 per acre.
It's important to note that these release rates serve as general guidelines and may vary based on the specific pest species, the crop or plant being treated, and level of infestation. Proper monitoring of the infestation and the subsequent effectiveness of the released beneficial insect population is crucial for determining the success of the biological control strategy.
Maintain your growing operation with well-fed beneficial insects as your natural defenders. By providing a dependable food source, you enhance their strength and effectiveness.
Our Good Bug Supplemental Diet combines Ephestia and Artemia, which are highly nutritional food sources rich in proteins, lipids, and essential fatty acids.
Packaged on easy-to-use hanging tabs!
For best results introduce immediately. Store at 45-55°F for no longer than 24hrs.
Proper identification of the aphid species is important. Monitoring the crop closely and introducing beneficial insects early will help in control pest populations.
Pesticides, even wetting agents, and spreader-stickers may adversely affect beneficial insects' survival. Broad spectrum and systemic insecticides are toxic.
For complete Thrips Control release Orius alongside:
Amblyseius cucumeris - Controls larval stages of Thrips
Hypoaspis miles - Soil-dwelling predatory mite
Amblyseius swirskii - Controls larval stages of Thrips
Dalotia "Atheta" coriaria - Active flyer & Fast Runner
ORIUS-200: 200 bugs per bottle.
ORIUS-500: 500 bugs per bottle.
ORIUS-1,000: 1,000 bugs per bottle.
ORIUS-2,000: 2,000 bugs per bottle.
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