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Tip Top Bio-Control - Beneficial Insects

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69 products


1,000 Green Lacewing Egg in Rice Hulls - Retail Cup1,000 Green Lacewing Egg in Rice Hulls - Retail Cup
Amblyseius andersoni - Generalist, Tolerates High HeatsAmblyseius andersoni - Generalist, Tolerates High Heats
Amblyseius cucumeris - Thrip and Spider Mite ControlAmblyseius cucumeris - Thrip and Spider Mite Control
Amblyseius swirskii - Affordable Generalist with Short Reproductive CycleAmblyseius swirskii - Affordable Generalist with Short Reproductive Cycle
Aphelinus abdominalis - Aphid ControlAphelinus abdominalis - Aphid Control
Aphid Double Mix - A. colemani + A. erviAphid Double Mix - A. colemani + A. ervi
Aphid Triple Mix - A. colemani, A. ervi + A. abdominalisAphid Triple Mix - A. colemani, A. ervi + A. abdominalis
Aphidius colemani - Aphid ControlAphidius colemani - Aphid Control
Aphidius colemani - Aphid Control Sale priceFrom $29.95
Aphidius ervi - Aphid ControlAphidius ervi - Aphid Control
Aphidius ervi - Aphid Control Sale priceFrom $55.00
Aphidoletes aphidimyza - Aphid ControlAphidoletes aphidimyza - Aphid Control
Aphytis melinus - Scale ControlAphytis melinus - Scale Control
Aphytis melinus - Scale Control Sale priceFrom $25.00
Composting Red "Wiggler" WormsComposting Red "Wiggler" Worms
Composting Red "Wiggler" Worms Sale priceFrom $21.99
Cryptolaemus montrouzieri - Mealybug ControlCryptolaemus montrouzieri - Mealybug Control
Cucumber Beetle Kit - 10 Cucumber Beetle Lure & 10 Yellow Sticky TrapCucumber Beetle Kit - 10 Cucumber Beetle Lure & 10 Yellow Sticky Trap
Cucumber Beetle Trap & Lure - 2 PackCucumber Beetle Trap & Lure - 2 Pack
Dalotia "Atheta" coriara - Rove BeetleDalotia "Atheta" coriara - Rove Beetle
Sold outDEAD-INN Stink Bug TrapDEAD-INN Stink Bug Trap
DEAD-INN Stink Bug Trap Sale price$25.50
Delphastus catalinae - Whitefly ControlDelphastus catalinae - Whitefly Control
Diglyphus isaea - Warm Weather Leafminer Control
Encarsia formosa - Whitefly ControlEncarsia Formosa - Closeup
Enoz BioCare Gnat Stix Traps - 12 Pack
Eretmocerus eremicus - Whitefly ControlEretmocerus eremicus - Whitefly Control
Feltiella acarisuga - Spider Mite Control - 250 PupaeFeltiella acarisuga - Spider Mite Control - 250 Pupae
Fire Ant Exterminator - Sf NematodesFire Ant Exterminator - Sf Nematodes
Beneficial Nematodes Flea Exterminator - CupFlea & Soil Pest Exterminator - 10 Million Sc Nematodes in Retail Cup
Flea & Soil Pest Exterminator - Sc NematodesFlea & Soil Pest Exterminator - Sc Nematodes
Fly Exterminators - LabelFly Exterminators - Fly Control
Fly Exterminators - Fly Control Sale priceFrom $14.99
Beneficial Nematodes Fungus Gnat - CupFungus Gnat Exterminator - 10 Million Sf Nematodes in Retail Cup
Fungus Gnat Exterminator - Sf NematodesFungus Gnat Exterminator - Sf Nematodes
General Beneficial Nematodes - 10 Million Sf Nematodes in Retail CupGeneral Beneficial Nematodes - 10 Million Sf Nematodes in Retail Cup
Good Bug AttractantGood Bug Attractant
Good Bug Attractant Sale priceFrom $2.10
Good Bug Habitat Seed MixGood Bug Habitat Seed Mix
Good Bug Habitat Seed Mix Sale priceFrom $4.50
Good Bug Supplemental DietGood Bug Supplemental Diet
Good Bug Supplemental Diet Sale priceFrom $0.60
Green Lacewing AdultsGreen Lacewing Adults
Green Lacewing Adults Sale priceFrom $55.00
Green Lacewing Eggs in Rice Hulls - Retail PouchGreen Lacewing Eggs in Rice Hulls - Retail Pouch
Green Lacewing Eggs on Hanging CardsGreen Lacewing Eggs on Hanging Cards
Green Lacewing LarvaeGreen Lacewing Larvae
Green Lacewing Larvae Sale priceFrom $22.49
Beneficial Nematodes Grub - CupGrub & Soil Pest Exterminator - 10 Million Nematodes in Retail Cup
Grub & Soil Pest Exterminator - Hb NematodesGrub & Soil Pest Exterminator - Hb Nematodes
Hanging BoxesHanging Boxes
Hanging Boxes Sale priceFrom $3.25
Hudson Hand Trigger Sprayer
Hudson Hose-End Sprayer
Hudson Hose-End Sprayer Sale price$9.60
Hudson Pro Bleach Pump Sprayer (0.5 Gal)
Hypoaspis miles (Stratiolaelaps scimitus) - Soil-Dwelling Predatory MiteHypoaspis miles (Stratiolaelaps scimitus) - Soil-Dwelling Predatory Mite
Lindorus lophanthae - Scale ControlLindorus lophanthae - Scale Control
Mycostop - Biofungicide
Mycostop - Biofungicide Sale priceFrom $40.00
Neoseiulus (Amblyseius) californicus - Generalist, Tolerates High HeatsNeoseiulus (Amblyseius) californicus - Generalist, Tolerates High Heats
Amblyseius (Neoseiulus) fallacis - CloseupNeoseiulus fallacis - Spider Mite Control in Cooler Climates