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Scale Control

Although closely related to aphids and whiteflies and making up a sizable and diverse group of insects (about 8,000 described species), scale insects belong to the superfamily Coccoidea of the order Hemiptera and have a distinctive appearance from other insects. The common name for these tiny insects comes from the wax layer that covers them all and gives them the appearance of a single reptile or fish scale. Their sizes range from 1/16 to 3/8 inch across. This covering, which shields the insect beneath it, may assume the form of an oyster shell, a dome, a little mussel, a fluffy coating, or a flattened oval.

Think Preventative 

Use general predators to monitor and detect infestations early. When using beneficial insects for natural organic pest control it is a good practice to be preventative. Release predators like ladybugs, green lacewings and minute pirate bugs early and regularly throughout the growing seasons before you have an infestation.

What works best for Scale control?...

Lindorus lophanthae -Lindorus are tiny black coccinelid beetles that devour many types of scale. They are valuable for being able to chew through hard scale as well as eat eggs and immature stage of hard and soft scale. They are used in orchards, greenhouses and interiors. With ample food, light, moisture Lindorus beetles will begin reproducing immediately and the next generations will take care of many scale problems. 

Aphytis Melinus This wasp targets various types of armored scale insects. It lays its eggs beneath the protective waxy coverings created by the scales. The larvae of the parasite develop under these scale coverings.

Ladybugs - General Predator

Green Lacewings - General Predator

Orius aka Minute Pirate Bugs - General Predator

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