Flea & Soil Pest Exterminator - 10 Million Sc Nematodes in Retail Cup
Vermiculite helps absorb moisture and minimize temperature fluctuations. Nematode cups can be stored at room temperature or in the fridge for one year. Simply mix with water and apply! Performs well in a range of temperatures and is adaptable to different climatic conditions.
Fleas and 200+ soil-dwelling pests. See pest chart in photos.
Scientific Name: Steinernema carpocapsae
Nematodes are microscopic worms that inhabit the soil parasitizing immature stages of pest insects, including various species of larvae, grubs, nymphs, and pupae. Maintaining adequate moisture levels is crucial for the success of nematodes, as they depend on a film of water to move and locate hosts in the soil. Dry conditions can limit mobility and reduce effectiveness in parasitizing pests. Conversely, excessive water can lead to unfavorable conditions, such as waterlogged soil that may drown the nematodes or water runoff that could wash them away.
The lifecycle begins with mated females producing eggs that develop into pre-infective juveniles. These young juveniles are in a non-feeding stage, progressing through several molts until they develop into infective juveniles eager to feed. Infective juveniles actively seek and enter hosts through natural openings, releasing symbiotic bacteria toxic to the pest. The insect host dies within 2-5 days, and the juveniles feed on the tissues, often completing several generations inside the host. After the host has been consumed and depleted, the nematodes enter the soil in search of new hosts. Mature nematodes will mate, and females will produce eggs, repeating the cycle for as long as conditions are favorable.
Soil above 53°F
Preventative/Light: 10 million per 4,000 sq. ft.
Moderate/Heavy: 10 million per 600 sq. ft.
It's important to note that these release rates serve as general guidelines and may vary based on the specific pest species, the crop or plant being treated, and level of infestation. Proper monitoring of the infestation and the subsequent effectiveness of the released beneficial insect population is crucial for determining the success of the biological control strategy.
Nematodes are not a chemical, so their effectiveness will not be reduced by the amount of water used to create the release solution. Adjust the concentration of the solution based on the extent of the pest infestation and the size of area to be treated.
- Introduce indoors at any time, or outdoors in the morning, evening, or on a cloudy day.
- Avoid direct sunlight.
- Moisten the soil to improve habitat.Keep soil moist for two weeks after application.
- Avoid run-off.
- Mix nematodes with 1-5 gallons of water (59-69°F) to cover the desired area.
- Dilute to create volume needed for coverage of area.
- Let sit for 15-30 minutes to allow vermiculite to float.
- Skim vermiculite from water with a fine strainer.
- Disperse vermiculite onto soil to introduce any remaining nematodes.
- Introduce solution onto desired area with chose apparatus.
- Use within 6 hours of activation.
- Water the treated area immediately after application.
- Keep soil temperature between 44-86°F
Store at room temperature for 6 months. Store in fridge for 12 months.
Keep out of light. Nematodes are susceptible to UV light.
Proper identification of the pest species is important. Monitoring the crop closely and introducing beneficial insects early will help in control pest populations.
Pesticides, even wetting agents, and spreader-stickers may adversely affect beneficial insects' survival. Broad spectrum and systemic insecticides are toxic.
For optimal results, the ground surface should be moist. Water before application and keep the soil moist for two weeks after application.
Exhibits a wide temperature tolerance.
Popular for use on gardens, lawns, and pet areas to manage fleas.
NDEM1C: 10 Million S.c. Beneficial Nematodes in Retail Cup
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