Controls whitefly nymphs and pupae. For maximum control, use in conjunction with Eretmocerus eremicus.
Cotton Whiteflies, Greenhouse Whiteflies, Silverleaf Whiteflies, Sweet Potato Whiteflies, & more.
Scientific Name: Encarsia formosa
ENCARSIA are tiny parasitoids that despite their relatively short lifespan and very small size, are specifically employed for the biological control of whiteflies. With a black body, clear wings, and measuring a mere 0.5-1mm, ENCARSIA are hard to see without magnification. Interestingly, these natural predators parasitize whitefly nymphs and pupae rather than eggs, and their predatory companion, DELPHASTUS, will not feed on whitefly nymphs that have been parasitized by ENCARSIA. Females can individually lay up to 100 eggs within a 1-2 week lifespan by injecting them inside whitefly nymphs or pupae. In about 3-5 days, the eggs hatch into larvae, which feed on the host through larval development for approximately 7-10 days. When fully developed, the larvae pupate inside the host for about 5-7 days and emerge as adults.
1 insect per sq. ft. or 1-5 insects per infested plant
1-2 weeks, at least 5 times.
Store at 45-55°F for no longer than 24 hours.
Encarsia work best if temperatures are over 68°F and relative humidity is 50-70%.
When daytime highs are regularly below 64°F Encarsia activity decreases making them less effective. Like with most beneficial insects it is best to begin releasing Encarsia when Whitefly infestation is light.
Other whitefly predators such as Delphastus catalinae and Eretmocerus eremicus will co-exist with Encarsia formosa and help expedite control.
Hang the cards on lower leaves out of direct sunlight. Avoid getting the hanging cards wet when watering.
ENCARSIA-1K: Minimum 1,000 pupae on hanging cards.
ENCARSIA-3K: Minimum 3,000 pupae on hanging cards.
ENCARSIA-5K: Minimum 5,000 pupae on hanging cards.
ENCARSIA-10K: Minimum 10,000 pupae on hanging cards.
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