Cryptolaemus montrouzieri - Mealybug Control
Attracted to and often lay eggs on the mealybugs' waxy secretions and egg cases.
Citrus Mealybugs, Comstock Mealybugs, Obscure Mealybugs, Solenopsis Mealybugs, Mexican Mealybugs, Long-Tailed Mealybugs, & more. Also targets crawling and larval stages of some Scale Insects.
Scientific Name: Cyrptolaemus montrouzieri
CRYPTOLAEMUS is a member of the Coccinellid Beetle family, commonly known as ladybugs, and recognized by their distinctive round, dome shape. These Mealybug Destroyers have a dark brown body with orange head and tail, and are about 4mm in size. Both the adults and larvae play a crucial role in targeting Mealybugs at all stages. Eggs are laid near colonies of mealybugs and hatch within 5-7 days. The young larvae emerge as small, white, and fuzzy alligator-shaped larvae resembling mealybugs, and actively feed on mealybug eggs, nymphs, and adults. After 14-20 days and undergoing several molts, the larvae enter the pupal stage and emerge as adults with a lifespan of 4-6 weeks. Both adult beetles and larvae continue to feed on mealybugs until temperatures become unfavorable. CRYPTOLAEMUS cannot endure sub-freezing temperatures, and it’s necessary to reintroduce them after low or freezing temperatures.
Light: 2-4 beetles per sq. ft., as needed.
Heavy: 1-2 beetles per sq. ft.
Agriculture: 1,000-2,000 beetles per acre.
Store at 50-60°F for no longer than 18 hours.
The packages contain paper strips for shipment as well as honey as a food source.
Cryptolaemus are not as effective on mealybugs that do not produce egg masses, such as long-tailed mealybug.
Cannot survive in temperatures below 50°F.
CRYP-10: 10 beetles per bottle.
CRYP-25: 25 beetles per bottle.
CRYP-50: 50 beetles per bottle.
CRYP-100: 100 beetles per bottle.
CRYP-250: 250 beetles per bottle.
CRYP-500: 500 beetles per bottle.
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